Friday, January 04, 2013


Whenever new year comes, I am just like anyone else. YES! Polka dotted outfit, coins inside the pockets, highest jump, red underwear, etc…FROM THINGS I WORN UP TO THINGS I PERFOMED. NAMED IT! EVERYTHING!  

First day of 2013, holiday, I had my day-off and it only happens rarely these days. So, THANK GOD, FINALLY I GOT TO REST MYSELF! Right after divulging yours truly into different dishes and sweets, I watched highly-intellectual documentary then, rested and woke up before lunch the next day.

Every new year’s day, I always, I repeat, always spend it with God. That is, of course, with the exemption of new year’s eve holy mass. It is because; it’s more than just a new year celebration, most significantly, the Solemnity of Mama Mary as Mother of God. Okay fine. Don’t say what you have in your mind now, I got it, don’t judge me. I won’t be your utmost gayest bestfriend if spiritual aspect of my life uproars. HAHA. TAKE THAT!

But my dear ladies and gays, and oh, my beloved guys, behold, I FORGOT MY DISGRACEFUL KEY when I left home to hear holy mass. For the record, I am not even used to it. Bringing keys is not my kind of thing. I SWEAR TO GOD! Well, we never closed our house gate way back in Davao City and some one opens the gate every time I arrived in Manila. Therefore, key doesn’t play a vital role in my life not until here in Queen City of South. As y’know, I am staying with two of my work mates here in our staff house but the two of them went off to work whenever it’s holiday but your gayest bestfriend enjoys holidays as he wants to for he is entitled to have them.


Now, after hearing holy mass, t’was followed by doing some groceries at the nearest supermarket since I was in charge of preparing our dinner. T’was only when I reached home, I realized that I forgot my key. So, had to knock at the owner’s pad to ask for a duplicate but believe it or not, t’was new year’s day and she didn’t let me borrow it! FOR CHRIST’S SAKE, WAS THE DUPLICATE KEY EVEN A PART OF THEIR MEDIA NOCHE PLACED ON TOP OF PIG’S MOUTH? I CAN’T BELIEVE IT! HAHA. Thus, it led me going back again down town to see one of my house mates to borrow the key from her and Thank God, she was still on duty. After all these things happened, WHATTA A NEW YEAR, INDEED!

Y’know what, everyone? When I was inside the cab going home, I grasped the thought of how this effin key now plays a major role in my life…MAJOR!


Keep posted. I love y’all!

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